Backing Up
We talk a lot in education about moving forward - bouncing forward - being resilient and learning from our mistakes/errors. At the same time we also talk about Understanding by Design (which allows us to start with the end in mind and work backwards in our planning and preparation to get to that end). I'll be honest, in my experience - it's a lot easier to keep looking forward. We've heard that message longer and perhaps that's the difficult part (the reteaching and re-framing until it's more habitual and less effort?). Is it going to take longer to embrace and embed (become natural) over time.....? Have you ever noticed.... that no matter how many times you see the same sign (billboard/poster/framed picture of sayings) - you keep reading it? I even find myself half way through saying - "dang it! you clever marketing company you!" Why else do you think we hang sayings around our house - we WILL read them - and eventually they become part of ou...