
Showing posts from January, 2015

When a plan doesn't come together!

If I were to compare myself to a TV hero, because that's what I sit around thinking about (you know I'm joking): I'm torn between MacGyver (from MacGyver), or Hannibal (A-Team). Why these two shows you ask? Well during our technology deprived childhood in Johannesburg, South Africa -which was home until aged 18- we spent very little time in front of the TV. For that I'm grateful, though some cultural references are still lost on me today. I remember our very first colored TV that had a remote control. I was around 6/7years old and that was a momentous occasion in our house. Broadcasting only began at 3pm and went off air at 9pm. Not only did we have a limited viewing window but every day alternated between English and Afrikaans. Five American shows hit the local channel (notice my intentional use of the singular version of that word "channel"). Dynasty, Falcons Crest, Dallas, MacGyver and the A-Team. The first three were aired past bedtime, however the ...

Love- my #oneword

Just like when you purchase a new vehicle, you seem to see your car everywhere. Didn't they exist before mine, how could I possibly not have noticed how many Kia Sedona's there were?  They were out there before, however your senses seem to be more alert. I feel the same way about my #oneword for the year "LOVE". Why did I choose this word over a plethora (my favorite word) of others? Well, one of the reasons I"m not ready to share but let's just say my heart is growing a little every day (metaphorically speaking).  LOVE I want my actions, my words, my intentions and my attitude come form a place that is grounded in love. How can I go wrong if that is the core value? Think about it!  If I have to be honest - the adults who left any measure of positive impressions on me as a youth were those that spoke to me with kindness - who showed me love in their tone of voice. I always knew and still know my mom loves me - but she can be quite ha...