Love- my #oneword
Just like when you purchase a new vehicle, you seem to see your car everywhere. Didn't they exist before mine, how could I possibly not have noticed how many Kia Sedona's there were?
They were out there before, however your senses seem to be more alert. I feel the same way about my #oneword for the year "LOVE".
Why did I choose this word over a plethora (my favorite word) of others? Well, one of the reasons I"m not ready to share but let's just say my heart is growing a little every day (metaphorically speaking).
I want my actions, my words, my intentions and my attitude come form a place that is grounded in love. How can I go wrong if that is the core value? Think about it!
If I have to be honest - the adults who left any measure of positive impressions on me as a youth were those that spoke to me with kindness - who showed me love in their tone of voice. I always knew and still know my mom loves me - but she can be quite harsh (as can I) and that didn't speak 'love' to me. As an adoptive parent - gosh - simply as a parent period I know that every interaction I have with my children could possibly be my/their last. I want my words to leave an impression on their hearts - that they are LOVED.
At school - I feel the same - our children in our buildings need, deserve, and should be loved on! My looks, my hugs, my words, my help come from a place of not only loving my work, but the students and families I interact with.
SO what happens after you make a resolution/set a goal/ pick your #oneword?
You see it everywhere - ok, well yes my trip to Michael's Store in their full Valentines decor does count! But seriously - I had an encounter that helped me realize what my LOVE language is. Talk about my #oneword schooling me!
I was at a friends house yesterday for Simply Said party and we were able to create a "make and take" item. Well of course of all the words (hope, faith, joy etc etc - I was compelled to use LOVE). What an interesting idea to place your one word on a mirror Geniene...... because the irony of it all is that this word is intended to cause much reflection - growth - more reflection - stubborn refusal to change - reflection - and hopefully a better me. Yup, that's my 6 steps to change (Dr. Delahunty style).
I think I'm still on step one: reflecting on myself!
It's not too late to pick your #oneword and see how it begins to transform you.
For others in my PLN that have shared their #oneword and Dr. Ted Huff (thanks friend) who started the bug:
follow them here
Ted @tedhiff
Brenda @principalmn
Sheilah @docsheilah
Jim @jimdetwiler1
Jay @jayposick
Hopefully a better me! I love that line - I mean- shouldn't that be the goal of our lives! Not perfection- but reflection. Wait- I think you just sparked an idea for my next blog! Thanks friend :)