How high do you bounce?
RESILIENCE :the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens : the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc. Every day I encounter students, friends, strangers with a story of resilience. The story of people who are stretched beyond what we would find reasonable - and yet who find success - Today I want to share these three: 1) My son: James I happened to be leaving the high school (where I teach and he attends) to find a group from his aerodynamics class- testing an airplane. Please know that I realize sarcasm is lost on language learners, and well, most teens. BUT it is a form or humor that I felt comfortable using with my son present (just want to throw that disclaimer out there). They have been working on a design (from scratch) while learning principles of physics - to ...