Treat 'change' like a dog would.
My transition into administration was like the honeymoon period of marriage - bringing a baby/child/dog into your home (yes I just did lump them all together)- and why? Well, because I officially started in my position as EL coordinator (first of it's kind) for our district on July 1st; when, kids - were out! Email inbox zero: no problem. Finishing tasks on my list - daily: no problem. A false sense of control - absolutely: problem. Fast forward (actually rewind) to August 13th, when school officially began with students. Procedural questions, first time registration weird scenario questions, emails and meetings and deadlines that seem to overlap - AND remember we're talking "change" - that dirty 6 letter word. So why was the honeymoon period over so fast: and why was 'problem' creeping back into my brain- After a summer of learning about leadership resilience and then carrying on that work in house with our district building leader...