The Words That Go Buzz Buzz Buzz In My Head! Snippet Part 1/3
I would get yelled at by her and she would say -
your words go buzz buzz buzz in my head!
One of many stories told to us today by our training facilitator! I can recall the number of PD's that have impacted my teaching, my thinking, my learning and connected with my way of thinking on one hand. In a 12 year career of education - that's a sad statistic.
The art of story telling - so dominant in many cultures with strong oral traditions, is a way to connect to the heart of us. Our mind can be stimulated in a variety of mediums, but the heart is moved by stories. Not just stories made up of words (as my fellow book lovers can attest). Songs are stories too, and so are photographs (a picture that tells 1000 words). But to hear a story - from the source - with inflection of voice and stress on certain words and pregnant pauses -
like the
buZZzzzzzzzz BUZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz BUZZ zzzzzzzzzzz
of words ........................................................................................................ my head!
Students are talked to ALL DAY- some talked at! - and I would hate to think that our words are merely noise, like a bee or annoying mosquito that we just want to swat away. Dismiss! Expunge!
Use your words to positively today to:
deposit not withdraw
dig deeper
show kindness
Don't just buzz!!!!
Use your words to positively today to:
deposit not withdraw
dig deeper
show kindness
Don't just buzz!!!!
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