Anchor down!/ "Anchors away"?

1) Don't cheat and scroll down first!
2) Promise to stop and watch the youtube videos to take in the full effect of this written message!

*** promise??***


THERE COMES A TIME in everyone's life - heck sometimes daily when we make this decision. Almost like "flight or fight?" except I like to name it Anchor down/Anchors away?

I came to terms with a lot of identity issues for myself this past year (as it was my 40th year). I also had a serious conversation with myself during my times of reflection about being authentic

My PLN knows more about me from our conversations and heart felt communication during the course of the past 6 months than some of my co-workers of 4 years. And you know what? No one is to blame but me. I can't hold it against them if I chose not to 'show my skin' - pun intended. 
There are layers of facade that we all put up - especially in education. We feel this need to create a barrier between personal and professional. In some instances I agree - but when that divide separates you into two different personalities all together - one half of your life is missing out!

If you think I'm wrong - answer these questions:
  • Do all your parents have your cell number?
  • Are you friends on social media with all co-workers or just some?
  • Do you think twice about what you wear when you go out in your school community?
  • Do you 'allow' students/parents to call you by your first name?
  • Do you reply more in email or in more in person/phone ?
  • Have you become a creature of habit - parking in the same spot, sitting in the same chair with the same people for lunch?
  • Do you claim "it's my classroom!"?
  • Do you control more than you should so that you appear to be more in control?
  • Oh and the list could go on - and before you think I'm pointing fingers - these have all stemmed from my past 13 years of teaching!

This has been the first year in my teaching career that I have ever shown my skin! And by that I mean literally - showing the ink on my skin. Also figuratively I've become a braver and more transparent in sharing my belief system, ideas and thinking. Guess what - I have MORE friends because of it!
Yes - I'm coming out! I'm a tattoo collector. Much to my parents horror - I chose my first at age 23 at a life turning point - and have time stamped each major event since. 
My father said point blank "You're going down a dangerous road - next it's drugs and before you know it you'll be living in the gutter". Judge not! - while that sounds less than understanding and loving - he had zero success stories to compare me to. Isn't it all about perspective? I had to force their hand by telling them to disown me or accept that I have chosen this for myself.

So 17 years later - and 20 tattoo's later I made the choice to ANCHOR DOWN! and ANCHOR'S AWAY!
While this is not a tattoo journal where I'll share what they all mean, I do want to take the time to share this one. Mostly because it will be the most visible one I wear. 

I know that my tattoos will receive a lot of judgement and so will I - I've lived that for 17 years. Yep, I've had the Pretty Woman shopping experience before, believe it or not. I've had rude comments and flat out hatred spewed at me. Even complete strangers touching me and yanking at my clothes while at the same time sharing their disapproval. I always said in return, if I am wearing something that shows my art, I'd be happy to talk to you about it. If I'm covered up, it's for a reason!

Yet while all covered up, dressed as a professional (which I do daily) - no one would know I'm an educator. 
I'm trusted to teach and advocate for YOUR children - yet on the street I'm treated at with looks of disgust!
Do we do that with our students and parents? They come to us with baggage, sometimes even smelly and dressed as they can, yet there is no judgement (not explicitly anyway). Although, if we passed that same family at the mall - or in the community, would we snicker at their looks and behavior that is so different from ours. I know not everyone accepts or even understands why people choose to modify their bodies. I've been asked why, especially because I'm so well educated (two Masters and a Doctorate after all). Let me tell you point blank - it was and is my choice. It hurts no one!
Being an educator hasn't stopped me - it HAD kept me from tattooing below my elbow line for the ease of spring/summer and some of fall when it's hot and I felt the pressure to cover up. But truly, all this time I was covering up for you! I was too concerned with how you might judge me, treat me, belittle me, or think less of me. You might - and well, I'm sorry to say - you'll have to come to terms with why that bothers you so.

There is a scene from the movie Battleship (a pretty cheesy sci-fi movie that my boys love). Two scenes with the USS Missouri show the Anchor's Away AND Anchor Down themes in such visceral closeups.
The first occurs as they commandeer the USS Missouri for the final battle. As ACDC begins playing "Thunderstruck" they blowtorch the permanent anchors that tie the ship to the tourist dock. The sheer weight of the anchor chain demonstrated by the force needed to sever it's hold to the dock - and how it falls freely into the water. Anchors Away - chained no more! (see minute 1:49) 

The second occurs at 55-1:26 of the final battle scene

For some reason - there is more fear involved with anchoring down. Staking your claim/standing your ground/declaring resolution/making bold commitment. Trust me, I know - there is not turning back with permanent ink :)

There also seems to be more discomfort/turmoil with the decision to cut away the chains that bind us and seemingly recklessly declare "Anchors Away!"

Well, this year I have committed to both sides of that coin (my yin/yang always at play). I know that every time I extend my hand to shake the hand of a friend, colleague, peer, parent, stranger I will be met with a reaction that well is theirs to own.

It's the perfect time of year (don't wait until New Year's) to Anchor Down - or yell Anchor's Away and live YOUR authentic life!


  1. Geniene,

    BRAVO! I love your authenticity, ownership and attitude! As a person that has come to know you in the past 6 months I can easily tell you that you impress me each and every day. You are selfless, courageous and dedicated.

    Thank you for sharing yourself, I feel as though I've grown as a person because you are a part of my PLN and my life.

    Thank You!


    1. Ben,
      Thank you friend. I've seen you take chances and be real with yourself and your school family. You are a human beacon! This PLN brings out the best in me. #foreverbetter
      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support.

  2. Geniene,
    Thank you for coming a tattoo collector! I so appreciate your courage in revealing your authentic self. I know every tattoo you have represents a significant event in your life, and together they tell the story of your life. Thank you for sharing your authentic self with your PLN and the world. I know this will encourage others to be brave and live authentic lives as a result.


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