Labels and identifiers (a tidbit of a larger concept)
So a while ago I asked my PLN and FaceBook community these two very serious (tongue in cheek) research questions. Q1: If you are asked to wear a name badge, what do you write? Title and last name (Dr. Delahunty) Full name (Geniene P. Delahunty) First name only (Geniene) or fake name (Sally McWenton - made that up while typing). Q2: what stickers/decals are are on your car? I was quite surprised with the number of people who said fake names (I won't blow your cover here FB friends). The most common response was: it depends on the function. First name with friends/Title and last name with strangers. So why is that? What wall do we think we are putting up by leaving out our first name. Doesn't providing strangers with our last name in fact share more than what we should be comfortable with. Does our first name assume such intimacy that we reserve it only for friends? Late in the summer I remember a conversation as school planning was underway about h...