Rookie of the year

My husband and I watched the NFL draft a few weeks ago.
OK we watched the first hour-because the benefit of supporting the losing team this past year was that they had a first round pick. So look beyond my choice of NFL teams here for a minute (go Buccaneers) because that's far from the point of this blog. What I couldn't get over for the days that followed (beyond their poor usage of that draft pick in my humble opinion), was the considerable talk about rookies. Perhaps I hadn't noticed it before in previous years, but as I'm entering the rookie year of my administrative career I've been more aware of when the term is used. Just like when you buy a new vehicle and suddenly you see 'your car' everywhere. If you're lucky enough to own a mini cooper, jeep or VW there is even a secret wave, as us bikers do the two finger downward salute as we drive past
.....but I'm getting sidetracked...
  So why does the rookie get all of the attention. Is their presence on the team that critical? Are they being groomed or are they the face of the future. Rookie of the year awards are already the talk of the town !  Really??? The season hasn't even begun. I know Tampa is hoping this star wonder will usher a new era....that's a lot of pressure on one player don't you think? How come there isn't veteran of the year? Or best second year player? There seems to be an unequal lack of recognition between rookie and 'hall of famer' or retiree.

I have a green thumb, but I also like house  plants that are pretty hard to kill. This one plant has been in my possession for about 10 years. I've created about 20 new plants from the original and have shared them with friends and family. I noticed yesterday that not all plants were growing the same. They all get watered on the same day every week.
This 'mother' is placed in our front entrance. We might not use the front door as much but this plant gets anywhere from 10 to 30 pass by's in one day. I'd like to think it also feels like one of the family as it's placed by our family portrait wall (maybe.....right?)

This 'baby' is about 2 years old believe it or not and well is barely alive. It sits all alone atop a curio cabinet of collected elephants from my childhood -in our TV room plenty of activity (or noise). 
Then these cuttings have been sitting in water for about four months. I should've transplanted them to soil a while ago, but just kept putting it off. I've added water maybe twice ...

So you tell me - who needs more nurturing?


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