Superwoman - I am not!

The Science:
I would love to understand the science behind our inability to resist reading signs.
Bulletin boards, t-shirts, framed sayings, post it notes - you name it.
They can remain unchanged and yet I will read them again, and again, and again.
It's insane and brilliant at the same time.
my challenge: 
Then we come to the paper towel dispenser. The picture is pretty clear right?- you need two hands to effectively remove the book size sheet of brown, recycled, coarse paper from the dispenser. 
and yet - not just on this day
alas - EVERY day 
I try to remove it -
with just one hand!

I guess it's the 'superman/superwoman complex'.
I can do all of these other great things, surely, a little piece of paper and gadget won't stump me.
Why do I ignore the sign - definitely my intellectual privilege talks louder than my reality and I grab with one hand. 
Surely - if I grab in the middle with force it will tear off? I mean I'm a second degree black belt for goodness sake.

This paper towel dispenser is a very humbling experience. I honestly wish I had more experiences like this so that I can remove the "superwoman complex", because I don't think it's healthy.
Confidence=healthy and I want to keep a healthy dose. Obviously this device has been tried and tested and for optimum effect they recommend (not require) two hands. When I allow my positive self confidence/self esteem to become 'I am superwoman complex', not only do I rob myself by overextending myself (as one example), but I also rob others.

Perhaps herein lies the problem. The fine line between what should be versus what could be. I reflected in my last post about texting during a traffic light stop. I would be remiss if I left out I have sent messages or read messages on my phone while driving. Clearly, that is a violation of required and recommended safety.
your challenge?
SO- how many times do you extend your own superman/superwoman tendencies into your relationships? your classroom? your daily life. And how could they be having a negative effect? 


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